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Free Healthy Recipe - Chargrilled Zucchini with Dill and Pistachio Pesto

Dairy free, Gluten free, Low carbohydrate, Wheat Free

The French call dill 'Faneuil batard' meaning bastard fennel and the Dutch stinkende vinke meaning "stinking fennel" - neither of which are very complimentary for a herb with such depth of flavour. This pesto is stunning over new potatoes served with a green salad and fish.


Wash and dry the dill. Remove the dill leaves from the stalks and add them to the food processor with the pistachios, olive oil, lemon juice and seasoning. Process until it is well combined but retains some texture. Add a little extra lemon juice is pesto is too thick.

Slice down the length of the zucchini making each slice approx 5mm thick. Brush with olive oil. Heat a grill pan or BBQ and cook the zucchini for 3 - 4 minutes each side, or until cooked.

Toss the pesto through the zucchini and serve as an accompaniment to the poached trout.

Note: Despite the name, pistachios are actually a fruit from the pistachio tree. To buy the best, buy raw unsalted in their shells and, if you can try before you buy, check to see they are still green. The greener the nut the better quality it is.

Makes 6 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 10 mins
Ready in: 20 mins + chilling

Suitable for:
Dinner, Lunch, Side Dish
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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 856 kj
Calories 205 kcal
Fat 18.3 g
Saturated Fat 2.4 g
Total Carbohydrate 4.5 g
Total Protein 4.1 g
Fibre 3.6 g