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Free Healthy Recipe - Tabouleh

Dairy free, Low carbohydrate, Low GI, Low sugar

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Virtually every salad bar and deli sells it, and if fresh, tabouleh is one of the most nutritious salads around. Parsley and tomatoes are both high in Vitamin C, but it's quickly lost through time and exposure to sunlight.
Fresh is always best and made yourself it always tastes better.

½ cup burghul, (bulgur)
8-10 spring onions (scallions)
2 tsp salt
5 cups fresh flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped
¼ cup fresh mint, finely chopped
3 large tomatoes, diced
¼ cup lemon juice
¼ cup olive oil

To prepare the burghul, wash and rinse, then squeeze any excess moisture from it before refrigerating for at least 1 hour.

Trim and finely chop the spring onions. Add to the burghul with the salt, pepper and spice. Add the parsley, mint and tomatoes and refrigerate until ready to serve.
Just before serving, add the lemon juice and oil and toss well.

Makes 6 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 70 mins
Cooking Time: nil
Ready in: 70 mins

Suitable for:
Dinner, Lunch, Salad, Side Dish
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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 622 kj
Calories 149 kcal
Fat 10 g
Saturated Fat 1.4 g
Total Carbohydrate 8.5 g
Total Protein 3.3 g
Fibre 5.3 g