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Free Healthy Recipe - Seafood Nabe

Dairy free, Low carbohydrate

Copyright John Paul Urizar

Again there are no real rules with this - other than starting with the dashi in the pot. The ingredients are pretty much up to you.
Lay all the chopped fish and veggies out in the centre of the table and give each guest 2 bowls; a larger one to eat from, smaller one with dipping sauce and a set of chopsticks each. Long chopsticks or tongs are used to drop the raw pieces into the top, with a large ladle or spoon to scoop it out.

1½ litres dashi, (see recipe list)
300 grams vongole
2 150 gram fillets salmon
2 150 gram fillets ocean perch
1 6cm piece lemongrass
3 knobs ginger, approx 2cm each, peeled
1 bunch shallots, trimmed with most of the green stalks left on and cut into 6 cm lengths
½ bunch watercress, washed and trimmed
½ bunch English spinach, washed and trimmed
½ Chinese cabbage shredded
150 grams shiitake mushrooms, sliced
100 grams enoki mushrooms

Heat the dashi with the lemongrass and ginger on the gas burner until it's near to boiling.

Once it's hot invite your guests to sit down.
Add the vongole, shallots and mushrooms and cook for about 3 minutes to allow the flavour to develop.
Add a handful of green veggies and some fish. Allow to cook for a minute or two then spoon the hotpot out into bowls. Continue to cook until your guests are sated.

Note: lay a solid stone tile or board under the gas burner to protect the table.

Makes 4 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 20 mins
Ready in: 35 mins

Suitable for:
Dinner, Soup
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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 1643 kj
Calories 393 kcal
Fat 6.8 g
Saturated Fat 1.4 g
Total Carbohydrate 31 g
Total Protein 55 g
Fibre 6.3 g