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Free Healthy Recipe - Scotch broth with pesto

Dairy free, Low GI, Low sugar, Wheat Free

Serving this traditional low KJ soup with a teaspoon of pesto transform it to modern cuisine and gives your body a hit of raw garlic to keep your immune system strong. If you are using a commercial pesto make sure to read the ingredients on the tub and buy one without preservatives and other food additives.

1 tbs olive oil
1 brown onion diced
3 carrots peeled and diced
2 large zucchini, peeled and diced
1 small turnip, peeled and diced
1/3 cup pearl barley
1 litre chicken stock
½ tsp black pepper
1 pinch sea salt

Heat the olive oil in a pan and sdd the onion to saute for 2 - 3 minutes.
Add the other diced veggies asnd saute for a further 3 - 4 minutes stirring regularly.
Rinse the barley and add that to the pot with the stock.
Bring to the boil, reduce the heat to simmer and cvook for 45 minutes.
Serve with grain bread and pesto.

Makes 4 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 45 mins
Ready in: 60 mins

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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 880 kj
Calories 210 kcal
Fat 6 g
Saturated Fat 0.9 g
Total Carbohydrate 23 g
Total Protein 13 g
Fibre 5.5 g