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Healthy Food Database

Blue Cheese
Blue cheese is a general classification of cow's milk and/or goat's milk cheeses with a blue or blue-green mould.

Roquefort from France, Stilton (England), Gorgonzola (Italy), Danablu (Denmark) and Maytag Blue Cheese are just a few of the many well known blue cheeses, however, Roquefort, made from unpasteurised milk is unavailable in this country due to the threat of the listeria bacteria.

The blue mould in these cheeses is due to mould spores from Penicillium. Originally each of these cheeses were produced in caves, where the mould was naturally present. This combined with the unique nutrients that the mould grew on in the caves affected the flavour, texture and blue-green colour of the mould in each cheese. In the beginning, this was most likely discovered by accident when cheeses were stored in the caves, and they developed mould. Most blue cheeses today are either injected with the mould, or the mould is mixed right in with the curds to ensure even distribution of the mould. Most of these cheeses must still be aged in the original caves where they were developed to bear the name.

Pregnant women should avoid blue cheese.
Category: Cheese
In Season: all year
To Buy:
Blue cheese should be eaten in moderation as it is a saturated fat - if enjoying small quantities of it on special occasions treat yourself to a good quality, aged blue cheese from a good deli or special cheese outlet. Avoid those wrapped in plastic as often they bear a plastic flavour.
To Store:
Store soft blue cheese in an airtight container - hard blue cheese should be wrapped in wax paper then wrap the waxed paper in plastic.
Tips & Tricks:
A small amount of blue cheese crumbled into a green salad with sliced pears is delicious.
Cooking Tips:

Nutrition per Per serve:

Weight (grams):
Carbohydrates, g:
Fat (g):
Monosaturated Fat , g:
Vitamin B2:
Energy (kJ):
Protein (g):
Saturated Fat, g :
Vitamin A:
Very High

Benefits the Following Health Conditions:*

* This information is sourced by a qualified naturopath. It is non prescriptive and not intended as a cure for the condition. Recommended intake is not provided. It is no substitute for the advice and treatment of a professional practitioner.